Jones Act Maritime Lawsuit Funding

Jones Act Maritime Lawsuit Funding

Maritime Worker Safety Rights

Jones Act Maritime Lawsuit FundingJones Act Maritime Lawsuit Funding. An offshore injury attorney may be able to provide large settlements for people injured on boats, oil rigs, or as part of any other maritime activity. They will use the Jones Act, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, as well as state and federal employer regulations to help victims of maritime injuries achieve justice and the financing needed to restore a quality of life. The Jones Act in particular was established to actually promote shipping standards in U.S. ports and often relates to economic factors and U.S. crew quotas on board ships. However, such legislation is also used to protect maritime safety rights as well.

An offshore injury attorney that utilizes the Jones Act maritime regulations and other cases can potentially award large settlements for people who are injured during any type of offshore operation with a maritime company or government institution. Some of the common types of injuries include explosions on oil rigs, unsafe work conditions on oil rigs, shipping related injuries, and injuries on fishing boats. Every year, hundreds of people are injured or even killed on boats, whether working for private contractors or in government or state sponsored shipping vessels.

As with many other cases related to workplace hazards, it must be typically proven that some level of negligence occurred on board the ship and that better safety precautions could have been achieved had the supervisors abided by maritime safety regulations as well as U.S. workplace safety laws. In addition, Jones Act maritime legislation may also protect seamen from deplorable conditions if they are forced to work on foreign ships that do not abide by modern safety standards. IF you feel you are being placed into a potentially dangerous situation as a result of your maritime job, contact an offshore injury attorney right away to learn about your rights.

Because of these standards through the Jones Act, seamen have the ability to earn settlements from hazardous conditions and also promote the health and wellbeing of the crew when being sent to work in environments that are not overseen by U.S. regulations. However, filing a lawsuit or beginning a legal investigation can be a time-consuming, costly affair. If it seems clear that some type of injustice is being committed by your maritime organization, consider applying for a risk-free legal loan to assist with the financing of such a case, which allows maritime workers of any financial background to seek settlements related to injuries or hazardous conditions.

For more informaiton regarding Jones Act Maritime Lawsuit Funding see: Merchant Marine Act of 1920